DOM Manipulation Methods Reference:

Method Description
append() Inserts DOM elements at the end of selected element(s).

Example: $('div').append('<p>This is paragraph.</p>');
appendTo() Perform same task as append() method. The only difference is syntax. Here, first specify DOM elements as a string which you want to insert and then call appendTo() method with selector expression to select the elements where you want to append the specified DOM elements.

Example: $('<p>This is paragraph.</p>').appendTo('div');
before() Inserts content (new or existing DOM elements) before specified element(s) by a selector.

Example: $('#myDiv').before('<p>This is paragraph.</p>');
after() Inserts content (new or existing DOM elements) after selected element(s) by a selector.

Example: $('#myDiv').after('<p>This is paragraph.</p>');
detach() Removes the specified element(s).

Example: $('div').detach();
empty() Removes all child element(s) of selected element(s).

Example: $('div').empty();
html() Get or Set html content to the selected element(s).

Example: $('div').html();
$('div').html('<p>This is paragraph.</p>');
insertAfter() Insert DOM element(s) after selected element(s). Perform same task as after() method, the only difference is syntax.

Example:$('<p>This is paragraph.</p>').insertAfter('#myDiv');
insertBefore() Insert DOM element(s) before selected element(s). Perform same task as before() method, the only difference is syntax.

Example:$('<p>This is paragraph.</p>').insertBefore('#myDiv');
prepend() Insert content at the beginning of the selected element(s).

Example:$('div').prepend('<p>This is paragraph.</p>');
prependTo() Insert content at the beginning of the selected element(s). Perform same task as prepend() method, the only difference is syntax.

Example:$('<p>This is paragraph.</p>').prependTo('div');
prop() Get or Set the value of specified property of selected element(s).

remove() Removes selected element(s) from the DOM.

removeAttr() Removes specified attribute from selected element(s).

removeProp() Removes specified property from selected element(s).

replaceAll() Replace all target element(s) with specified element.

Example: $('<span>This is span</span>').replaceAll('p');
replaceWith() Replace all target element(s) with specified element and return the set of elements which was removed.

Example:var replacedElements = $('div').replaceWith('<p>');
text() Get or set text content of the selected element(s).

Example:$('p').text('This is new text.');
wrap() Wrap an HTML structure around each selected element(s).

unwrap() Remove the parents of selected element(s).

val() Get or set the value of selected element(s)

wrapAll() Combine all the selected element(s) and wrap them with specified HTML.

wrapInner() Wrap an inner html of selected element(s) with specified HTML.


CSS Methods:

CSS Methods Description
css() Get or set style properties to the selected element(s).

addClass() Add one or more CSS class to the selected element(s).

hasClass() Determine whether any of the selected elements are assigned the given CSS class.

removeClass() Remove a single class, multiple classes, or all classes from the selected element(s).

toggleClass() Toggles between adding/removing classes to the selected elements


Dimensions Methods:

Dimensions Methods Description
height() Get or set height of the selected element(s).

innerHeight() Get or set inner height (padding + element's height) of the selected element(s).

outerHeight() Get or set outer height (border + padding + element's height) of the selected element(s).

offset() Get or set left and top coordinates of the selected element(s).

Example:var ofs = $('#myDiv').offset();
$('#myDiv').offset({ left:100, top:200});
position() Get the current coordinates of the selected element(s).

Example:var pos = $('#myDiv').position();
alert(pos.left + ',' +;
width() Get or set the width of the selected element(s).

innerWidth() Get or set the inner width (padding + element's width) of the selected element(s).

outerWidth() Get or set outer width (border + padding + element's width) of the selected element(s).

scrollLeft() Get or set the current horizontal position of the scrollable content of selected element.

scrollTop() Get or set the current vertical position of the scrollable content of selected element.
